KonMari Method™: Organizing Clothing

KonMari Method™: Organizing Clothing

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Do you walk into your closet and often feel frustrated? How many times do find yourself searching your clothes, unable to find the exact piece you are looking for? These closet concerns can be addressed using the KonMari Method™ with Spark Joy Bay Area. 

When embarking on your KonMari journey to declutter and organize your home, your closet is the first of five categories, which is made up of your clothes, jewelry, shoes, and any other accessory found in your bedroom. The key to decluttering and organizing starts with asking yourself this question: Does it "spark joy?" 

Think about all the things in your closet, do they all "spark joy" or bring you a sense of happiness? From my experience, many clients actually have 3x more things than they ever even imagined. In the initial stages of tidying, gather all of your items and pile them in one spot like the photo on the left (clothing). The same goes for when you are organizing other categories such as you see in the photo on the right (shoes). Doing this helps you visually see everything you own in your closet and can help determine what items truly "spark joy" for you. 

Once you have established what items are crucial to your closet, it's time to get folding and organizing. Here is a great resource on how to fold clothes using the KonMari Method™ featuring Marie Kondo herself. Using this method is key to your organized closet, as this folding technique is a huge space saver. The upright placement of your clothes allows you to easily see and select the items in your drawer you chose to wear with ease. Never waste another second unable to find clothing in your drawers. This folding technique can be applied to all aspects of your closet including your jackets, scarves, socks, and undergarments. 

Once organized, the key to maintaining your closet's organization is through developing a routine customized to your lifestyle. For example, think about the common areas of your bedroom and closet that are problem areas. Do you have a chair that you continuously "hang" clothes on every night, or do you avoid putting away laundry? Develop a daily routine for yourself to help you stay organized. An easy practice to adopt is taking 10 minutes every night to put your work clothes away before going to bed. By doing so, you will be waking up to a clean room every morning! Here are some great closets to keep you inspired during your tidying! 

Remember that decluttering consists of a series of tidying sessions. It is not something that can be done all in one day. I recommend all my clients start small and work their way towards a goal based off their "ideal lifestyle," which we outline together during our initial consultation. To book a tidying session with me, click here

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